The Monk-MartyrSt. Damianosof Mt. Kissavos

St. Damianos is among the monks who, having lived the ascetic life for a sufficient time on the Holy Mountain, later took on the essential, indeed indispensable task of spiritually shoring up the Greek people under Turkish rule.

At a time when entire provinces were being compelled to reject their Greek identity and their Orthodox faith, monks, knowing that in the end they could well be put to death for it by the occupying authorities, undertook with a spirit of self-sacrifice to give courage to their countrymen as they endured humiliation and privation for Christ's sake.
St. Damianos launched his mission from the Holy Monastery Philotheou on the Holy Mountain and made his way to Kissavos, which he made the base for his missionary expeditions. A cave in the steep gully opposite the monastery became his hermitage, in which he prepared himself with fervent prayer before venturing out into the villages, mainly in the vicinity of Agia and Larisa.

Rejoice today, Monastery on Mt. Kissavos, and leap ye all with jubilation, for the holy feast of Damianos is at hand! Come then, and on this day let us join our voices in hymns to the Savior, singing the praises of His martyr, that through his intercessions we might be saved.

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