Renovation Work

The restoration of a considerable portion of the Holy Monastery remains a demanding challenge.

Restoration of the "Old Monastery"

The fervent desire of the nuns as well as the local community is for the "Old Monastery," the 16th-century building complex, to be restored before it deteriorates beyond repair.

As a religious and cultural monument, it bears witness to the ecclesiastical, architectural and artistic history of the area, as well as to its monastic spiritual inheritance, for the present generation and those to come.

One of the most worthwhile sites to visit in Thessaly, the monastery is distinguished by its geographical position, its natural surroundings, and its role in local history.

Restoration work began in September of 2015, and its completion still appears distant. However, every pilgrim can visit the Church with its rare wall paintings, as well as the surrounding spaces, and experience simplicity and compunction at the unforgettable liturgical opportunities.

The cost of the continuation of this worthwhile reconstruction work far exceeds the monastery's means. Help of any kind with this effort is greatly appreciated.

Contribute to the reconstruction effort! Every little bit helps.

Donation by Bank

Information Regarding Donations Given the nature of the construction projects to be done, every gift, however small, helps significantly by enabling the monastery to continue to make incremental progress.
Hands-on help is also always welcome.

Peiraios Bank
Holy Monastery of the Honorable Forerunner Anatoli
IBAN: GR 90 0171 2490 0062 4903 0020 456

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